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wba0737Petrow Across the Top of Russia Northwind Cutter Northeast Passage Arctic Ocean Ekspeditioner 1965 Nordpolen Discovery exploration American Travel Russia Kara Sea Barents 1965 0340018488 9780340018484 0-340-01848-8 978-0-340-01848-4 Arktyka morze Karskie Barentsa icebreaker lodołamacz

Petrow, Richard: Across the top of Russia.

First printed in Great Britain. Reproduced from the U.S. edition.
London: Hodder & Stoughton 1968. ISBN 0340018488.

21 cm, oprawa twarda płótno oryginalna, brak obwoluty, [8],374 s., [16] p. of phot. HB, Very Good / No Jacket. Stan książki wewnątrz lepiej niż bardzo dobry, płótno okładki poocierane na krawędziach. Masa egz.: 550 g.
The Cruise of the USCGC Northwind into the Polar Seas North of Siberia 1965.

In July 1965, Northwind (icebreaker), under the command of Captain Kingdrel N. Ayers, conducted an oceanographic survey between Greenland, Iceland, and Scotland and was the first western vessel to operate in the Kara Sea of the Soviet Union, for which she received the Coast Guard Unit Commendation with Operational Distinguishing Device. The (then) classified mission of Northwind was to attempt a transit of the Northeast Passage. The effort was not successful and caused a diplomatic incident between the U.S.S.R. and U.S.A

EAN 9780340018484.
WorldCat: 30278304; 464576999.




Petrow Across the Top of Russia Northwind Cutter Northeast Passage Arctic Ocean Ekspeditioner 1965 Nordpolen Discovery exploration American Travel Russia Kara Sea Barents 1965 0340018488 9780340018484 0-340-01848-8 978-0-340-01848-4 Arktyka morze Karskie Barentsa icebreaker lodołamacz wba0737
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