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Rzetelność w kontaktach bibliofilsko – wymiennych z mojej strony gwarantują dotychczasowe oceny i komentarze poprzednich klientów:
wab0091Jewish themes in English and Polish culture Literatura amerykańska angielska polska Żydzi historia Jews in literature English History criticism Polish literature Janicka-Świderska Jarniewicz Sumera 8371713673 83-7171-367-3 9788371713675 978-83-7171-367-5 Berthoud Jew Drama Drain Anti-Semitism Pinter Edelson Holocaust Language Peterkiewicz Filipczak Jewish fiction Jarniewicz Romer Ghetto Poems Kozubska Painting Luckhurst Censorship Moody Ezra Pound Sumera Jerusalem Spark Wicher wab0091 

Jewish themes in English and Polish culture.

Wydanie pierwsze. First edition.
Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego 2000. ISBN 8371713673.

24 cm, oprawa kartonowa oryginalna, 196 s., [23] s. tabl. PB, Fine as New. Stan idealny, książka jak nowa. Masa egz.: 390 g.
Ed. by Irena Janicka-Świderska (1930- ), Jerzy Jarniewicz (1958- ) and Adam Sumera (1955- ).
Jacques Berthoud: The Figure of the Jew in English Renaissance Drama
Richard Drain: „The Shark in the Harbour”: Anti-Semitism and the Plays of Harold Pinter
Maria Edelson: The Holocaust and the Language of Silence in Isolation by Jerzy Peterkiewicz
Dorota Filipczak: In Qliphoth with the Wandering Jew. Jewish Motifs in Malcolm Lowry’s fiction
Jerzy Jarniewicz: Stephen Romer’s Ghetto Poems
Ewa Kozubska: Jewish Literary Themes in Painting
Mary Luckhurst: The Case of Theresa: Guernsey, the Holocaust and Theatre Censorship in the 1990s
A. David Moody: Ezra Pound with Two-Pronged Fork of Terror and Cajolery: The Construction of His Anti-Semitism (up to 1939)
Adam Sumera: A Gentile Jewess and the Divided Jerusalem: Muriel Spark’s The Mandelbaum Gate
Andrzej Wicher: „The most unkindest cut of all” - Models of Prejudice in Chaucer’s „The Prioress’s tale” and Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.

EAN 9788371713675.
opis w Bibliotece Narodowej.
WorldCat: 46323169; 169088102; 231857335; 301319301; 606538143.
OpenLibrary: OL19378011M.



Jewish themes in English and Polish culture Literatura amerykańska angielska polska Żydzi historia Jews in literature English History criticism Polish literature Janicka-Świderska Jarniewicz Sumera 8371713673 83-7171-367-3 9788371713675 978-83-7171-367-5 Berthoud Jew Drama Drain Anti-Semitism Pinter Edelson Holocaust Language Peterkiewicz Filipczak Jewish fiction Jarniewicz Romer Ghetto Poems Kozubska Painting Luckhurst Censorship Moody Ezra Pound Sumera Jerusalem Spark Wicher wab0091
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