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waa0023Labedz Łabędź Survey East West studies Summer 1979 24 3 108 East-West Relations Nationalism Nationalities USSR Szporluk History Russian Dunlop Wimbush Bennigsen Burg Soviet Central Asian Rywkin Brezhnev Russia Asia Bregel Barthold Soviet Censorship Sewer Balkans Ramet Macedonian Homer Kostov Stalinist Orthodoxy Bulgaria Garson Churchill Rumania Heller Pomerantsev Czechoslovakia Ulč Ulc Invasion Hauner Czech Rosja Związek Radziecki ZSRR nacjonalizm Bułgaria Czechosłowacja Rumunia stalinizm Breżniew komunizm  0039-6192  00396192 waa0023 

Labedz, Leopold [editor]: Survey. A journal of East & West studies. Summer 1979. Vol 24 no 3 (108) - Problems of Empire.

London: Oxford University Press 1979.

24 cm, oprawa kartonowa oryginalna, [3],2-227,[3] s. PB, VG. Stan wewnątrz idealny, blok książki jest nieco poocierany na krawędziach, okładka lekko przybrudzona. Masa egz.: 360 g.
ISSN 0039-6192.
Nationalism and Nationalities in the USSR

Roman Szporluk: History and Russian Nationalism
John B. Dunlop: The Many Faces of Contemporary Russian Nationalism
S. Enders Wimbush: The Russian Nationalist Backlash
Alexandre Bennigsen: Several Nations or One People?
Steven L. Burg: Soviet Policy and the Central Asian Problem
Michael Rywkin: Code Words and Catchwords of Brezhnev’s Nationality Policy

Russia and Asia

Yuri Bregel: The Works of V. V. Barthold and the Soviet Censorship
Marian Sewer: The Soviet Discussion of the Asiatic Mode of Production

Russia and the Balkans

Pedro Ramet: The Soviet Factor in the Macedonian Dispute
John E. Homer: Traicho Kostov: Stalinist Orthodoxy in Bułgaria
Robert Garson: Churchill’s Spheres of Influence: Rumania and Bułgaria

Leaving the USSR: Then and Now

Michael Heller: The First Warning
Igor Pomerantsev: The Eye and the Tear

Otto Ulč: One Decade of Post-Invasion Czechoslovakia
Milan Hauner: 100 Years of Czech History.

WorldCat: 1607926.


Labedz Łabędź Survey East West studies Summer 1979 24 3 108 East-West Relations Nationalism Nationalities USSR Szporluk History Russian Dunlop Wimbush Bennigsen Burg Soviet Central Asian Rywkin Brezhnev Russia Asia Bregel Barthold Soviet Censorship Sewer Balkans Ramet Macedonian Homer Kostov Stalinist Orthodoxy Bulgaria Garson Churchill Rumania Heller Pomerantsev Czechoslovakia Ulč Ulc Invasion Hauner Czech Rosja Związek Radziecki ZSRR nacjonalizm Bułgaria Czechosłowacja Rumunia stalinizm Breżniew komunizm 0039-6192 00396192 waa0023
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